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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Righteous Bigotry. Or Not.

With all the various compositions that I have written over the course of my short lifetime, I try to give each one a unique name that is either something clever, or thought-provoking.  A clever title is one of the most important things (in my opinion....unless of course you have some anal-retentive English teacher (something I have NEVER had) then she'll tell you the most important thing is how many square micro-meters your semi-colons should measure...or something like that) to attract a reader to any form or it an essay for the afore-named anal-retentive, a blog (like the one all four of you are reading), or a research paper; the most important element in getting someone to sit down and read your writing is a good title.  Its much the same as a sales pitch.  Some of you may know that I sell knives for work at the moment.  Whenever I am trying to sell someone some knives....the most important part of making the sale comes before the actual appointment.  The MOST important part is getting the appointment.  I know once I am in your house, that my British accent, my blue eyes and puppy dog face, my claim that I need the money from this job to scrape my way through college, or a combination of all will result in you buying a set of sharp, shiny, pointy things.  Unless you guessed anal-retentive and then you wont buy my knives; you wont even buy health'll buy a custom tailored sweater for you pet poodle or a liberal bumper sticker for your Toyota Useless/Prius (notice the similar rhyme??)  But again....I digress.  The title of todays post, Righetous Bigotry was designed to make you think about what I am going to talk about (hang on hang on, im getting to it) and then reconsider your initial assumption about I mentioned in my last past (If you haven't read it......go read it!).....experience cultural vibrancy and tolerance people!! Tolerance!! 

The topic of todays post could only be one possible thing......yes you guessed it......illegal immigration.  Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? Makes it sound so....ominous and....oh my god......its ILLEGAL!!  Everybody get naked and run riot in the streets already!!!  Pardon my flippancy, I tend to get carried away while writing.  Especially late at night when im feeling especially passionate about topics such as this one. 

To fully understand the impact of illegal immigration and the causes thereof; we must have a basic grasp of the history behind it.  In the early 1800's Spain was ceded to the United States by way of a treaty; this act was followed by the United States renouncing all claims to the Mexican province of Texas.  However at some point after this act of, essentially giving Texas back, some of the people living in around the bordering states began to settle on the San Antonio River....which guessed it, in Texas.  To put this, frankly, boring history behind us so I can move on to my controversial opinions; I will sum up what happened next.  Texas declared itself independent -- Mexico sends an army to put down the rebellion -- Battle of the Alamo -- Mexican soldiers hosted a 300 Texas men execution -- US got mad, sent Sam Houston to fight the Mexicans -- Mexican soldiers surrender -- US wants Texas, New Mexico, and California -- US moves soldiers well inside Mexico's border -- Mexican soldiers attack US -- US vs. Mexico (bang! bang!) -- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo....and US gets about 55% of Mexico's pre-war territory.  OK! Boring history done! 

Now that the boring history is done...I can talk about the act of illegal immigration.  First of must be noted how righteously shafted the Mexicans were by the United States; im sure there is a clever acronym for about United S.haft T.hem A.nd T.ake E.verything S.pecial.  Thats essentially what happened....the U.S screwed them over and took just over half their land; all because some outback pioneer with a musket and a wagon wanted to live on a Mexican river....seem unfair?  So in the first place....everybody complaining about the huge influx of Mexican citizens into the southern and western United States.....thats not really yours....but you all have your own views.  If you think the land is yours....your wrong.....but this is America; we are ALLOWED to be wrong---shoot a campaign contributor NO PROBLEM!  Kill your wife and her boyfriend and then write a book about how you WOULD have done it....NO PROBLEM!! (by the way Mr. Cochran...well done) so continue in your incorrectness. 

The constant illegal immigration of Mexicans into the United States is for one obvious reason.  They are poor and mistreated in Mexico and want something better.  Is that so much to ask???  Is that too much to ask from a country that essentially stole a considerable portion of its current states from the country in question.  Now, do not get me wrong.....I am not some liberal, celery-munching, hybrid-driving radical who wants to let massive amounts of illegal immigrants into this country because not only is it an insult to people who do it legally (hey!! I did that!!), but it is also not feasible to do so.  The drain on our new and improved system of financial drudgery....sorry health care.....would catalyze our deficit more than it would if we only had Americans on the system.  In fact....I would say that less than three or four percent of the population of illegal immigrants should actually be allowed to stay in the United States.  If you are coming here with the intent of mowing lawns, doing housework, or any other type of "blue-collar" sort of employment; then sorry...but go back because quite frankly you coming here is just going to hasten the demise of social and economic programs here and then EVERYONE will be shafted.  The people who should be allowed to stay are those who have a specific intent to get an education.  Now....let me clarify....if you are coming here to get an education in something like studying the migratory patterns of locusts in Wyoming...then are the weakest link; goodbye!  My opinion is that if you are an illegal immigrant, and you want the opportunity to improve your life in the United States by WORKING HARD, then you should be made to study something that would be of benefit to the country as a whole.  For example we need more engineers and doctors etc.....bring people who are capable of getting proficient, and excelling in those areas, and not only would we be benefiting an economically drained group of people....we would be benefiting the resources of the country so that we could, if we so choose to do so (as a DEMOCRATIC nation) help more people from Mexico and other places like it.  Let me sum that up for you.....if you want the chance to come must study something of benefit to the country, in return for the chance to be able to live here.  If not....try to get residency LEGALLY!

I will not blabber on for much longer but I feel that certain clarifications must be made for some of you...who will obviously want to yell very loudly at me about how we should give everybody section 8 housing, a blackberry, and an escalade as a matter of course.  Illegal immigration is a big problem for this country...because we have a liberal-ish president and a sort of divided Congress.  Hybrid driving tree huggers (liberals) scream at Barrack because he isn't allowing enough of them in.....gun toting wacko's (republicans) scream at the poor man because he isn't kicking enough of them out.  I would suggest that such bi-partisan divisions are actually detrimental to solving not only this problem....but all our problems....the budget, wars in parts of the world where they strap children with bombs like they are life jackets, Hillary Clinton and her promiscuous tied on a leash husband, and various other issues that seriously affect us....  Nothing will get done if we stick to party lines that have us in a gridlock regarding issues of importance.  Common sense and not a party affiliation are INTEGRAL to solving issues that plague this country like a certain VP of QHHS with a case of femi-bitchin-ism used to plague QHHS.  We must use common sense people!  We cannot allow people who are detrimental to OUR country even if they are in need.  To sacrifice the good of the many for the good of a few will only result in a sacrifice for ALL and leave no money for anyone....that includes the immigrants.  If you want the opportunity to come into this country...then either do it legally like everyone else (including myself) had to....or we as American's need to figure out a way to let in people who could benefit the country, and thus, themselves. 

Lastly, If we let in a small population of Mexicans and other nationalities who will benefit our country by obtaining education and the training necessary to fill jobs that need filling...then we are not only benefiting ourselves.....but also benefiting the immigrants.  Because they will be able to send a considerable amount of money back to their families...and possibly even pay to have them educated so that they can provide for not only themselves...but also the betterment of their community. 

The opinions are done!  But I must again leave you with this one last much as letting all immigrants into this country is not possible....that does NOT mean that they should be treated with any less measure of kindness or humanity.  We are all people.  I've said it before and I will say it again....we are all people...we all breathe the same air...we all eat food that comes from the same earth and drink water that comes from the same sky.....we are one people divided into many different races, cultures, ethnicities, colors, languages, and beliefs.....lets treat each other a little more like people? and less like an earth of divided-ness.  Goodnight and best wishes to US.  Best wishes to an US in the US not divided on petulant issues of what we look like or what language we speak.



References:  Do You Speak American; Robert MacNeil and William Cran.


  1. 1. I love the reference to "a certain VP from QHHS"... That made me laugh very hard.
    2. The elipses are still killing me. Each one is a knife to my heart. :P
    3. I can't really find fault with your argument, although it is possible that there is one there. For the most part, though, I thought you made sense. Congratulations! It's a miracle (with all those damn dot-dot-dots...)

  2. I can see where you are coming from in the entire article, yet, you only seem to look at look at the point of view of an "American." It is interesting, but until you consider the variables of why they come and what they are willing to do to come to this country, you will only see that what your "3 to 4 percent" of staying is really a much larger statistic.

    Also, I understand the approach of the section 8 housing remark. But, so you realize General Motors used to have a contract for section 8 homeowners, stating that they can purchase a vehicle from any of the branches as long as they are able to prove through documentation that they are eligible for funding- which is why they choose Cadillac.

    Thoughtfully done, if I may add. But, Unless you can look more for the "Macro" point of view rather than the "American" point of view, you will only make the situation worse and continue to blame the illegal immigrants for coming into the country rather than the system

  3. I can see where you are coming from...the point of my article was not to come from the point of view of an American. I am British and I came here roughly ten years ago legally and obtained my permanent residency status that way.

    As for the reasons why they want to come here....its fairly obvious.....countries like Mexico, Honduras, etc are a terrible place to live. They suffer from all sorts of problems both economically and in other areas such as healthcare, food, etc. The reason why they come is get a better life. My point was that coming here for a better life and taking advantage of all the system has to offer here only drains the system and causes not only them to suffer....but EVERYONE to suffer as a whole. Thus causing everyone to lost out on benefits. If we control flow...we control crime, control the drain on an already drained and flawed system, and prevent the country from sinking into further downturn.

    As for the macro point of view....I would have to disagree. There is no Macro point of view....the macro point of view IS the American point of view. It does not affect European countries any where near as readily as it does America.

  4. Also, it is not a case of laying the blame upon anybody. Regardless of how you view illegal is still illegal. So laying blame upon either the immigrants themselves or laying the blame upon the system accomplishes nothing.

    What I would like to see done is that, rather than have the two major parties fling blame from one end of the court to another....actually put our heads a COUNTRY...and accomplish something. Providing a small population of the Mexican and other South American countries access to a good education, a good job--a job that coincidentally would benefit the country--would benefit not only us like I just mentioned....but also a plethora of Mexican families back in Mexico.

    I appreciate your comments and I would like to hear what you have to say...please feel free to leave as many comments as you like....and a good dialogue can be established.

  5. You should update again.
