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Friday, December 10, 2010


Long time no see eh?

Since the last time that I wrote on here, I have had the chance to look at a few other blogs and take a look-see at what everyone else is doing.  I'm not particularly impressed.  I have come to the conclusion that writers tend to destroy rather than create.  Social raiders if you will.  This is not to say that there are not writers whose work is not absolutely outstanding.  But the vast majority are individuals spewing forth caustic drivel under the protection of the computer screen that illuminates their pale pasty skin.

Looking back at my posts I would say that I fell into this style of writing as well.  Maybe not to the degree of others but society seems to laud this type of writing as insightful.  Amusing even.  From now on this blog will be a creative effort.  It will incorporate modern events and my opinions.  Your opinions really dont matter--this is my medium not yours.  Feel free to criticize how however--the thoughts of Voltaire are just as appropriate here as they are in any public forum. 

Also, I would appreciate not only input on the blog--but also topics.  I've never had any great interest in the news myself.  I've always felt that the news anchors and talk show hosts have the attitude of those witnessing the scene of some colossal accident.  They cluster around like insects and each tries to talk louder than the others.  However, if there are those among you who do read, listen to, or watch the news--then by all means please tell me what you would like written about.

I'll post every three days ago and if you have a topic for me send me an email at



  1. Change.Org has many stories and issues. I typically check up on the Women's Rights one, but they have other categories. If you want topics, looking at these causes can help you get an idea about current events and social problems.

  2. Thankyou Rose :)

    -although im not seeing a link to your live journal :P
