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Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Friction of Freedom

With so much talk these days regarding religion and the angst that surrounds this placid subject I thought it would be an apt topic to discuss considering my lengthy experience dealing with blogs and public opinion.  I was raised in a religious household; I grew up a Mormon.  Now at this point many of you will probably think "oh he's part of that cult"....and no I am not going to try and convert you because it is not only pointless but more importantly...I don't want to irritate any of the few people who MAY be reading this.  Mormons are not a group of religious fanatics but just a branch of Christianity like many others.  However, recently I have taken to attending not only my own religious services every Sunday; but also the Christian services of my girlfriend at her church.  Quite apart from the fantastic idea this church had of serving Starbucks coffee to its attendees, is the fact that they do all sorts of entertaining things like raffles where you have the opportunity to win a Honda Boy-Racer car....sorry I meant a Civic.......or a Bearded Hoodlum's motor bicycle......oh wait.....thats a bad.  They have events like Jazz barbecues, like the one coming up in September of this year...and opportunities for the various Sunday church-goer to get involved in their church and pronounce their sainthood to the world. 

Reading this may become confused as to whether I am a religious person.....or a snide flippant cynic.  Let me clarify.....I am do not be confused when you hear differing comments on the subject of religion.  I have quite a few problems with religion.....however.....I have a deep testimony of my religion that is only slightly mitigated by my quarrels with it.  First, and perhaps most blatantly, is many churches stances on gay marriage.  I am aware that the constitutionality of Proposition 8 was recently overturned and that the appeals court will make a decision in December......and that gays will be allowed to either marry or remain as they are now....prejudiced against.....quite a pointless claim as this case will most obviously make its way up to the gladiator-pit of moral flippancy.....the Supreme Court.  That is the biggest problem I have with organized religion is their denunciation of homosexual marriage.....the rest are just small quarries that are irrelevant. 

Following tomorrow will be an article discussing the problems being caused by Obama's mosque in New York and the various other sources of friction caused by the freedom of religion.



  1. Alex you are one crazy mofo. Also i know for a fact you fall asleep during seminary.

  2. As for the mofo yes indeed I am :) Regarding the seminary falling asleep as a "fact"....thats more of of the universe. And Im not quite sure who this is....but you obviously know me ;P

  3. Love it.
    SB was the most appropriate signature you could end this post with! ;P
    Can't wait for the next post, lol!

  4. The next one is up :) read IT!

  5. Sorry, i dont have an account but its Mac :]
