If you look back at the history of this country it is hard to imagine how we arrived here, at this moment in 2010. The discrimination of so many people must surely have evoked some divine retribution from a higher benevolent power--believed by a close friend to be a female....but that feminism article has yet to come. Discrimination comes in all sorts of shades--most simply associate it with the enslavement of blacks during the formation of this country. However, discrimination is not limited to physical prejudices. The most prevalent type of prejudice is not physical enslavement. It is the irrational fear exhibited towards the language, culture, and belief structure of another culture resulting in the subjugation of that group.
In America, Hispanics unfortunately suffer the brunt of prejudicial sentiments of that depraved portion of society who regard members of other races, or indeed their own, to be inferior in some shape or form.
This article however, does not deal with the discrimination of Hispanics--although they are a usual favorite of society. I never particuarly understood why....they have an absolutely beautiful culture. If you have had the opportunity to attend or even watch a hispanic festival or gathering--you know what I am talking about. And the food! My, my, my--anyone with food that good should be given an award...not prejudice. No this article actually deals with a group of Filipino workers at Delano Regional Medical Center who were prejudiced against because they spoke their language, Tagalog, at work. The complaint of the group is that they were unfairly prejudiced against on the basis of their language. Ironically enough, the complaint alleges that Spanish speakers were freely allowed to speak their language while the Filipino's became the recipients of unfair work-place treatment. The use of the language occured outside the bounds of patient/hospital staff contact--removed from any individual who could have possibly been insulted or otherwise affected by the use of the language.
Granted, I am not saying that the use of a foreign language in the presence of English-speaking patients is beneficial. It's use would be completely inappropriate--hospital efficiency would be cut in half, and then halved again. Patient complaints would fill up the adminstrative bureaucracy's offices and doctors would leave in droves. But the complaint by this group of workers alleges that they were prevented from speaking their native language on breaks. Now lets go crazy here and ask for a little bit of reason, but is it really necessary to prevent a group of Filipino workers from speaking their own language on a break in which they converse...among themselves?
The use of a foreign language by immigrants is, if anything, of a positive nature. It is, in an appropriate context, a reminder of the culture of the individual--a promotion of ethnic individuality and uniqueness. Culture above all else is something that should be maintained regardless of location. Many Hispanics live in the southern and western portions of the United States and the language of a great portion of those areas reflects this. Despite this, the mother of a very close friend of mine lost her job due to the fact that she spoke Spanish on her break. Modern society is inundated with examples of racism and prejudice towards the language of other cultures. People should not be prejudiced against with this facet of culture as a premise--it prevents the expression of individuality. Without culture, you, me, and Mr. Dupree all become the same person. Being a European in a foreign country, I am especially aware of this--my culture is a defining aspect of who I am. To prevent these workers from being able to talk in their native tongue, the most fundamentally basic mode of expression, is to figuratively euthanize the expression and immersion of themselves in their culture.
If the discrimination itself was not bad enough, there is an additional element. The complaint alleges that the hospital threatened to use video surveillance to ensure that the workers complied with the racist rules of hospital management. Furthermore, workers outside the Filipino ethnicity were encouraged to report the use of Tagalog to their superiors. For the management to sink to the level of childish tattling, in which employees were encouraged to tell on their Filipino co-workers is pathetic. It perfectly captures the racist and childish sentiments exhibited by that depraved portion of society.
The discrimination that is so rampant in society is explicity demonstrated by the actions of this hospital. How can society strive to achieve anything, move beyond what appears to be an in-built tendency to prejudice, or attain a universally accepted way of life if people are prevented from using their native language to express themselves? If we as a society are truly to move past the sentiments of racism, we absolutely need to root out discrimination in all forms. Start with language. Its a beginning.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Long time no see eh?
Since the last time that I wrote on here, I have had the chance to look at a few other blogs and take a look-see at what everyone else is doing. I'm not particularly impressed. I have come to the conclusion that writers tend to destroy rather than create. Social raiders if you will. This is not to say that there are not writers whose work is not absolutely outstanding. But the vast majority are individuals spewing forth caustic drivel under the protection of the computer screen that illuminates their pale pasty skin.
Looking back at my posts I would say that I fell into this style of writing as well. Maybe not to the degree of others but society seems to laud this type of writing as insightful. Amusing even. From now on this blog will be a creative effort. It will incorporate modern events and my opinions. Your opinions really dont matter--this is my medium not yours. Feel free to criticize how however--the thoughts of Voltaire are just as appropriate here as they are in any public forum.
Also, I would appreciate not only input on the blog--but also topics. I've never had any great interest in the news myself. I've always felt that the news anchors and talk show hosts have the attitude of those witnessing the scene of some colossal accident. They cluster around like insects and each tries to talk louder than the others. However, if there are those among you who do read, listen to, or watch the news--then by all means please tell me what you would like written about.
I'll post every three days ago and if you have a topic for me send me an email at bodrum_t@yahoo.com
Since the last time that I wrote on here, I have had the chance to look at a few other blogs and take a look-see at what everyone else is doing. I'm not particularly impressed. I have come to the conclusion that writers tend to destroy rather than create. Social raiders if you will. This is not to say that there are not writers whose work is not absolutely outstanding. But the vast majority are individuals spewing forth caustic drivel under the protection of the computer screen that illuminates their pale pasty skin.
Looking back at my posts I would say that I fell into this style of writing as well. Maybe not to the degree of others but society seems to laud this type of writing as insightful. Amusing even. From now on this blog will be a creative effort. It will incorporate modern events and my opinions. Your opinions really dont matter--this is my medium not yours. Feel free to criticize how however--the thoughts of Voltaire are just as appropriate here as they are in any public forum.
Also, I would appreciate not only input on the blog--but also topics. I've never had any great interest in the news myself. I've always felt that the news anchors and talk show hosts have the attitude of those witnessing the scene of some colossal accident. They cluster around like insects and each tries to talk louder than the others. However, if there are those among you who do read, listen to, or watch the news--then by all means please tell me what you would like written about.
I'll post every three days ago and if you have a topic for me send me an email at bodrum_t@yahoo.com
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Righteous Bigotry. Or Not.
With all the various compositions that I have written over the course of my short lifetime, I try to give each one a unique name that is either something clever, or thought-provoking. A clever title is one of the most important things (in my opinion....unless of course you have some anal-retentive English teacher (something I have NEVER had) then she'll tell you the most important thing is how many square micro-meters your semi-colons should measure...or something like that) to attract a reader to any form or writing....be it an essay for the afore-named anal-retentive, a blog (like the one all four of you are reading), or a research paper; the most important element in getting someone to sit down and read your writing is a good title. Its much the same as a sales pitch. Some of you may know that I sell knives for work at the moment. Whenever I am trying to sell someone some knives....the most important part of making the sale comes before the actual appointment. The MOST important part is getting the appointment. I know once I am in your house, that my British accent, my blue eyes and puppy dog face, my claim that I need the money from this job to scrape my way through college, or a combination of all will result in you buying a set of sharp, shiny, pointy things. Unless you are....you guessed it....an anal-retentive and then you wont buy my knives; you wont even buy health insurance......you'll buy a custom tailored sweater for you pet poodle or a liberal bumper sticker for your Toyota Useless/Prius (notice the similar rhyme??) But again....I digress. The title of todays post, Righetous Bigotry was designed to make you think about what I am going to talk about (hang on hang on, im getting to it) and then reconsider your initial assumption about it.....like I mentioned in my last past (If you haven't read it......go read it!).....experience cultural vibrancy and tolerance people!! Tolerance!!
The topic of todays post could only be one possible thing......yes you guessed it......illegal immigration. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? Makes it sound so....ominous and....oh my god......its ILLEGAL!! Everybody get naked and run riot in the streets already!!! Pardon my flippancy, I tend to get carried away while writing. Especially late at night when im feeling especially passionate about topics such as this one.
To fully understand the impact of illegal immigration and the causes thereof; we must have a basic grasp of the history behind it. In the early 1800's Spain was ceded to the United States by way of a treaty; this act was followed by the United States renouncing all claims to the Mexican province of Texas. However at some point after this act of, essentially giving Texas back, some of the people living in around the bordering states began to settle on the San Antonio River....which is....you guessed it, in Texas. To put this, frankly, boring history behind us so I can move on to my controversial opinions; I will sum up what happened next. Texas declared itself independent -- Mexico sends an army to put down the rebellion -- Battle of the Alamo -- Mexican soldiers hosted a 300 Texas men execution -- US got mad, sent Sam Houston to fight the Mexicans -- Mexican soldiers surrender -- US wants Texas, New Mexico, and California -- US moves soldiers well inside Mexico's border -- Mexican soldiers attack US -- US vs. Mexico (bang! bang!) -- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo....and US gets about 55% of Mexico's pre-war territory. OK! Boring history done!
Now that the boring history is done...I can talk about the act of illegal immigration. First of all....it must be noted how righteously shafted the Mexicans were by the United States; im sure there is a clever acronym for that....how about United S.haft T.hem A.nd T.ake E.verything S.pecial. Thats essentially what happened....the U.S screwed them over and took just over half their land; all because some outback pioneer with a musket and a wagon wanted to live on a Mexican river....seem unfair? So in the first place....everybody complaining about the huge influx of Mexican citizens into the southern and western United States.....thats not really yours....but you all have your own views. If you think the land is yours....your wrong.....but this is America; we are ALLOWED to be wrong---shoot a campaign contributor NO PROBLEM! Kill your wife and her boyfriend and then write a book about how you WOULD have done it....NO PROBLEM!! (by the way Mr. Cochran...well done) so continue in your incorrectness.
The constant illegal immigration of Mexicans into the United States is for one obvious reason. They are poor and mistreated in Mexico and want something better. Is that so much to ask??? Is that too much to ask from a country that essentially stole a considerable portion of its current states from the country in question. Now, do not get me wrong.....I am not some liberal, celery-munching, hybrid-driving radical who wants to let massive amounts of illegal immigrants into this country because not only is it an insult to people who do it legally (hey!! I did that!!), but it is also not feasible to do so. The drain on our new and improved system of financial drudgery....sorry health care.....would catalyze our deficit more than it would if we only had Americans on the system. In fact....I would say that less than three or four percent of the population of illegal immigrants should actually be allowed to stay in the United States. If you are coming here with the intent of mowing lawns, doing housework, or any other type of "blue-collar" sort of employment; then sorry...but go back because quite frankly you coming here is just going to hasten the demise of social and economic programs here and then EVERYONE will be shafted. The people who should be allowed to stay are those who have a specific intent to get an education. Now....let me clarify....if you are coming here to get an education in something like studying the migratory patterns of locusts in Wyoming...then again.....you are the weakest link; goodbye! My opinion is that if you are an illegal immigrant, and you want the opportunity to improve your life in the United States by WORKING HARD, then you should be made to study something that would be of benefit to the country as a whole. For example we need more engineers and doctors etc.....bring people who are capable of getting proficient, and excelling in those areas, and not only would we be benefiting an economically drained group of people....we would be benefiting the resources of the country so that we could, if we so choose to do so (as a DEMOCRATIC nation) help more people from Mexico and other places like it. Let me sum that up for you.....if you want the chance to come here....you must study something of benefit to the country, in return for the chance to be able to live here. If not....try to get residency LEGALLY!
I will not blabber on for much longer but I feel that certain clarifications must be made for some of you...who will obviously want to yell very loudly at me about how we should give everybody section 8 housing, a blackberry, and an escalade as a matter of course. Illegal immigration is a big problem for this country...because we have a liberal-ish president and a sort of divided Congress. Hybrid driving tree huggers (liberals) scream at Barrack because he isn't allowing enough of them in.....gun toting wacko's (republicans) scream at the poor man because he isn't kicking enough of them out. I would suggest that such bi-partisan divisions are actually detrimental to solving not only this problem....but all our problems....the budget, wars in parts of the world where they strap children with bombs like they are life jackets, Hillary Clinton and her promiscuous tied on a leash husband, and various other issues that seriously affect us.... Nothing will get done if we stick to party lines that have us in a gridlock regarding issues of importance. Common sense and not a party affiliation are INTEGRAL to solving issues that plague this country like a certain VP of QHHS with a case of femi-bitchin-ism used to plague QHHS. We must use common sense people! We cannot allow people who are detrimental to OUR country even if they are in need. To sacrifice the good of the many for the good of a few will only result in a sacrifice for ALL and leave no money for anyone....that includes the immigrants. If you want the opportunity to come into this country...then either do it legally like everyone else (including myself) had to....or we as American's need to figure out a way to let in people who could benefit the country, and thus, themselves.
Lastly, If we let in a small population of Mexicans and other nationalities who will benefit our country by obtaining education and the training necessary to fill jobs that need filling...then we are not only benefiting ourselves.....but also benefiting the immigrants. Because they will be able to send a considerable amount of money back to their families...and possibly even pay to have them educated so that they can provide for not only themselves...but also the betterment of their community.
The opinions are done! But I must again leave you with this one last thought.....as much as letting all immigrants into this country is not possible....that does NOT mean that they should be treated with any less measure of kindness or humanity. We are all people. I've said it before and I will say it again....we are all people...we all breathe the same air...we all eat food that comes from the same earth and drink water that comes from the same sky.....we are one people divided into many different races, cultures, ethnicities, colors, languages, and beliefs.....lets treat each other a little more like people? and less like an earth of divided-ness. Goodnight and best wishes to US. Best wishes to an US in the future....an US not divided on petulant issues of what we look like or what language we speak.
References: Do You Speak American; Robert MacNeil and William Cran.
The topic of todays post could only be one possible thing......yes you guessed it......illegal immigration. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? Makes it sound so....ominous and....oh my god......its ILLEGAL!! Everybody get naked and run riot in the streets already!!! Pardon my flippancy, I tend to get carried away while writing. Especially late at night when im feeling especially passionate about topics such as this one.
To fully understand the impact of illegal immigration and the causes thereof; we must have a basic grasp of the history behind it. In the early 1800's Spain was ceded to the United States by way of a treaty; this act was followed by the United States renouncing all claims to the Mexican province of Texas. However at some point after this act of, essentially giving Texas back, some of the people living in around the bordering states began to settle on the San Antonio River....which is....you guessed it, in Texas. To put this, frankly, boring history behind us so I can move on to my controversial opinions; I will sum up what happened next. Texas declared itself independent -- Mexico sends an army to put down the rebellion -- Battle of the Alamo -- Mexican soldiers hosted a 300 Texas men execution -- US got mad, sent Sam Houston to fight the Mexicans -- Mexican soldiers surrender -- US wants Texas, New Mexico, and California -- US moves soldiers well inside Mexico's border -- Mexican soldiers attack US -- US vs. Mexico (bang! bang!) -- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo....and US gets about 55% of Mexico's pre-war territory. OK! Boring history done!
Now that the boring history is done...I can talk about the act of illegal immigration. First of all....it must be noted how righteously shafted the Mexicans were by the United States; im sure there is a clever acronym for that....how about United S.haft T.hem A.nd T.ake E.verything S.pecial. Thats essentially what happened....the U.S screwed them over and took just over half their land; all because some outback pioneer with a musket and a wagon wanted to live on a Mexican river....seem unfair? So in the first place....everybody complaining about the huge influx of Mexican citizens into the southern and western United States.....thats not really yours....but you all have your own views. If you think the land is yours....your wrong.....but this is America; we are ALLOWED to be wrong---shoot a campaign contributor NO PROBLEM! Kill your wife and her boyfriend and then write a book about how you WOULD have done it....NO PROBLEM!! (by the way Mr. Cochran...well done) so continue in your incorrectness.
The constant illegal immigration of Mexicans into the United States is for one obvious reason. They are poor and mistreated in Mexico and want something better. Is that so much to ask??? Is that too much to ask from a country that essentially stole a considerable portion of its current states from the country in question. Now, do not get me wrong.....I am not some liberal, celery-munching, hybrid-driving radical who wants to let massive amounts of illegal immigrants into this country because not only is it an insult to people who do it legally (hey!! I did that!!), but it is also not feasible to do so. The drain on our new and improved system of financial drudgery....sorry health care.....would catalyze our deficit more than it would if we only had Americans on the system. In fact....I would say that less than three or four percent of the population of illegal immigrants should actually be allowed to stay in the United States. If you are coming here with the intent of mowing lawns, doing housework, or any other type of "blue-collar" sort of employment; then sorry...but go back because quite frankly you coming here is just going to hasten the demise of social and economic programs here and then EVERYONE will be shafted. The people who should be allowed to stay are those who have a specific intent to get an education. Now....let me clarify....if you are coming here to get an education in something like studying the migratory patterns of locusts in Wyoming...then again.....you are the weakest link; goodbye! My opinion is that if you are an illegal immigrant, and you want the opportunity to improve your life in the United States by WORKING HARD, then you should be made to study something that would be of benefit to the country as a whole. For example we need more engineers and doctors etc.....bring people who are capable of getting proficient, and excelling in those areas, and not only would we be benefiting an economically drained group of people....we would be benefiting the resources of the country so that we could, if we so choose to do so (as a DEMOCRATIC nation) help more people from Mexico and other places like it. Let me sum that up for you.....if you want the chance to come here....you must study something of benefit to the country, in return for the chance to be able to live here. If not....try to get residency LEGALLY!
I will not blabber on for much longer but I feel that certain clarifications must be made for some of you...who will obviously want to yell very loudly at me about how we should give everybody section 8 housing, a blackberry, and an escalade as a matter of course. Illegal immigration is a big problem for this country...because we have a liberal-ish president and a sort of divided Congress. Hybrid driving tree huggers (liberals) scream at Barrack because he isn't allowing enough of them in.....gun toting wacko's (republicans) scream at the poor man because he isn't kicking enough of them out. I would suggest that such bi-partisan divisions are actually detrimental to solving not only this problem....but all our problems....the budget, wars in parts of the world where they strap children with bombs like they are life jackets, Hillary Clinton and her promiscuous tied on a leash husband, and various other issues that seriously affect us.... Nothing will get done if we stick to party lines that have us in a gridlock regarding issues of importance. Common sense and not a party affiliation are INTEGRAL to solving issues that plague this country like a certain VP of QHHS with a case of femi-bitchin-ism used to plague QHHS. We must use common sense people! We cannot allow people who are detrimental to OUR country even if they are in need. To sacrifice the good of the many for the good of a few will only result in a sacrifice for ALL and leave no money for anyone....that includes the immigrants. If you want the opportunity to come into this country...then either do it legally like everyone else (including myself) had to....or we as American's need to figure out a way to let in people who could benefit the country, and thus, themselves.
Lastly, If we let in a small population of Mexicans and other nationalities who will benefit our country by obtaining education and the training necessary to fill jobs that need filling...then we are not only benefiting ourselves.....but also benefiting the immigrants. Because they will be able to send a considerable amount of money back to their families...and possibly even pay to have them educated so that they can provide for not only themselves...but also the betterment of their community.
The opinions are done! But I must again leave you with this one last thought.....as much as letting all immigrants into this country is not possible....that does NOT mean that they should be treated with any less measure of kindness or humanity. We are all people. I've said it before and I will say it again....we are all people...we all breathe the same air...we all eat food that comes from the same earth and drink water that comes from the same sky.....we are one people divided into many different races, cultures, ethnicities, colors, languages, and beliefs.....lets treat each other a little more like people? and less like an earth of divided-ness. Goodnight and best wishes to US. Best wishes to an US in the future....an US not divided on petulant issues of what we look like or what language we speak.
References: Do You Speak American; Robert MacNeil and William Cran.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Social Acceptance.....and Me...
I know....I know.....I promised an article about the mosque being built next to the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks but I feel that Ill write about something that I personally strive to achieve whenever possible....social acceptance; and how I take my place in this social phenomenon along with others such as Eminem, Rush Limbaugh, Frank Lucas, and mvp.....Hillary Clinton (a personal favorite).
As some of you may know.....I am a fan of rap music. Yes I am that annoying person that pulls up next to your vehicle at a stop light in my Honda Lunch Box with the speakers blaring pure and holy thoughts so loud that the car is vibrating like a pleasantly plump handy man digging up your driveway with a jackhammer. And then you'll give me a dirty look...and ill try and race you. I will lose of course because little Murphy the hampster cant run fast enough in his little wheel that powers my....vehicle....to get me moving at any exhilirating sort of speed. Speaking of rap music, I have been, with the assistance of my little brother, trying to figure out what it is about rap that is so offensive. Now the answer that most people would give to this question would be.....you guessed it.......the lyrics. But talking to a few people I have found that they cant actually understand what the rappers' are saying.....so how do you know its offensive? Now in no way am I going to say that the lyrics in rap music are comparable to the ones found in say...the Mormon Tabernacle Choir; however I would theorize (dont worry.....ill keep it simple) that rap music is much the same as any socially questionable form of culture.....misunderstood. When Dick Cheney shot a campaign contributor during a hunting trip in 2006, everybodys reaction was one of shock and horror, as if he had commited some form of non-socially acceptable behavior; however no one stopped to think anymore on the subject......maybe it was a clever strategic tactic to get more people scared of donating to political campaigns.....kind of a 'donate to a political campaign and get shot type of deal'; maybe he was commenting on the ethics of our political leaders (who knows...actually....who cares??). Maybe making jokes that Hillary Clinton has mad cow is offensive to some people (although if you look at the pictures of her speeches, its hard to say she doesnt...); but that isnt the point....the point is there are a plethora of examples of people performing certain behaviors that are not 'socially-acceptable'. But I digress...back to rap music......
The nice conservative student at a prestigious school, Berkeley perhaps, studying rap music will discover that Rap has its origins in the 1970's in the West Bronx. It came out of a rebellion against disco music and the ilk associated with that sort of rubbish that caused so many of our dear parents to suffer from fatigue, saggy skin, and irritability. Many of you may listen to music on the radio that sounds 'rap-ish'.....Jason De-talentless comes to mind. However, decent rap....once you learn to understand and listen to it, can be found being produced by very FEW artists these days. Perhaps the sharpest talent is found in Jay-Z, and the epitome of social acceptance....Mr. Mathers himself. But the point I am trying to make here is this....rap music may be offensive to your conservative, meticulously planned out white picket fence life; but live a little people! Get a feel for cultural vibrancy. Rap is, I grant you, predominantly performed by black artists (no you socially repressed jamoke! black is NOT a racist slur!), and yes sometimes it is difficult to understand....but once you can....and once you listen to the lyrics and move past the mother-f#$!&** language problem, you will occasionally....very occasionally....get a glimpse into the lives of a group of people who you, quite frankly, probably dont have much of a relationship with. People who have not only lived through one of the worst eras of civil degradation, managed to live through it, and as a result remain imprisioned in a culture of social and economic destitution; but also people who have a god-given ability to do something that most of you cant do.....If it was 'socially acceptable'....you would call it talent. Being black and being a rapper is perhaps not a social-norm....Dont assume that because they wear their hats backwards and have tattoos that they are evil people. I mean, come on now people!! We're all human! We all have to live on the same earth...drink the same water, eat the same food, and breathe the same air. We might as well learn to accept people for who they are.....it would sure make it a helluva lot easier to get along. As the group of Jamaican gymnasts said in their message during their performance at Venice beach.....its all entertainment man! :) Dont be so damn narrow minded!
Ill finish with this one last thought regarding social acceptance.....a thought that you are probably sick to death of being bludgeoned over the head with by our media (which I suppose I am now part of?...maybe?).....homosexual marriage. You may be mormon (I happen to be).....you may be intelligent and well educated (also me)....you may be dashingly handsome (oh hang on....this is turning into my bio....ill get back to the facts ;) ).you may be liberal or conservative......you may be black, white, brown, or yellow......you may even be....dare I say it....a feminist ;)......but denying somebody....anybody! the right to marry or be happy simply because in the past we have found it socially un-acceptable.......that.......that is truly unacceptable. I will try and avoid any sort of sappy sentiment if I can but I'll leave you with this thought.....what if gay marriage was the norm and it was something in your life that people were being prejudiced about? What if your religion or your area of study in school, or your hair color was considered 'socially unacceptable'??
As some of you may know.....I am a fan of rap music. Yes I am that annoying person that pulls up next to your vehicle at a stop light in my Honda Lunch Box with the speakers blaring pure and holy thoughts so loud that the car is vibrating like a pleasantly plump handy man digging up your driveway with a jackhammer. And then you'll give me a dirty look...and ill try and race you. I will lose of course because little Murphy the hampster cant run fast enough in his little wheel that powers my....vehicle....to get me moving at any exhilirating sort of speed. Speaking of rap music, I have been, with the assistance of my little brother, trying to figure out what it is about rap that is so offensive. Now the answer that most people would give to this question would be.....you guessed it.......the lyrics. But talking to a few people I have found that they cant actually understand what the rappers' are saying.....so how do you know its offensive? Now in no way am I going to say that the lyrics in rap music are comparable to the ones found in say...the Mormon Tabernacle Choir; however I would theorize (dont worry.....ill keep it simple) that rap music is much the same as any socially questionable form of culture.....misunderstood. When Dick Cheney shot a campaign contributor during a hunting trip in 2006, everybodys reaction was one of shock and horror, as if he had commited some form of non-socially acceptable behavior; however no one stopped to think anymore on the subject......maybe it was a clever strategic tactic to get more people scared of donating to political campaigns.....kind of a 'donate to a political campaign and get shot type of deal'; maybe he was commenting on the ethics of our political leaders (who knows...actually....who cares??). Maybe making jokes that Hillary Clinton has mad cow is offensive to some people (although if you look at the pictures of her speeches, its hard to say she doesnt...); but that isnt the point....the point is there are a plethora of examples of people performing certain behaviors that are not 'socially-acceptable'. But I digress...back to rap music......
The nice conservative student at a prestigious school, Berkeley perhaps, studying rap music will discover that Rap has its origins in the 1970's in the West Bronx. It came out of a rebellion against disco music and the ilk associated with that sort of rubbish that caused so many of our dear parents to suffer from fatigue, saggy skin, and irritability. Many of you may listen to music on the radio that sounds 'rap-ish'.....Jason De-talentless comes to mind. However, decent rap....once you learn to understand and listen to it, can be found being produced by very FEW artists these days. Perhaps the sharpest talent is found in Jay-Z, and the epitome of social acceptance....Mr. Mathers himself. But the point I am trying to make here is this....rap music may be offensive to your conservative, meticulously planned out white picket fence life; but live a little people! Get a feel for cultural vibrancy. Rap is, I grant you, predominantly performed by black artists (no you socially repressed jamoke! black is NOT a racist slur!), and yes sometimes it is difficult to understand....but once you can....and once you listen to the lyrics and move past the mother-f#$!&** language problem, you will occasionally....very occasionally....get a glimpse into the lives of a group of people who you, quite frankly, probably dont have much of a relationship with. People who have not only lived through one of the worst eras of civil degradation, managed to live through it, and as a result remain imprisioned in a culture of social and economic destitution; but also people who have a god-given ability to do something that most of you cant do.....If it was 'socially acceptable'....you would call it talent. Being black and being a rapper is perhaps not a social-norm....Dont assume that because they wear their hats backwards and have tattoos that they are evil people. I mean, come on now people!! We're all human! We all have to live on the same earth...drink the same water, eat the same food, and breathe the same air. We might as well learn to accept people for who they are.....it would sure make it a helluva lot easier to get along. As the group of Jamaican gymnasts said in their message during their performance at Venice beach.....its all entertainment man! :) Dont be so damn narrow minded!
Ill finish with this one last thought regarding social acceptance.....a thought that you are probably sick to death of being bludgeoned over the head with by our media (which I suppose I am now part of?...maybe?).....homosexual marriage. You may be mormon (I happen to be).....you may be intelligent and well educated (also me)....you may be dashingly handsome (oh hang on....this is turning into my bio....ill get back to the facts ;) ).you may be liberal or conservative......you may be black, white, brown, or yellow......you may even be....dare I say it....a feminist ;)......but denying somebody....anybody! the right to marry or be happy simply because in the past we have found it socially un-acceptable.......that.......that is truly unacceptable. I will try and avoid any sort of sappy sentiment if I can but I'll leave you with this thought.....what if gay marriage was the norm and it was something in your life that people were being prejudiced about? What if your religion or your area of study in school, or your hair color was considered 'socially unacceptable'??
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Friction of Freedom
With so much talk these days regarding religion and the angst that surrounds this placid subject I thought it would be an apt topic to discuss considering my lengthy experience dealing with blogs and public opinion. I was raised in a religious household; I grew up a Mormon. Now at this point many of you will probably think "oh he's part of that cult"....and no I am not going to try and convert you because it is not only pointless but more importantly...I don't want to irritate any of the few people who MAY be reading this. Mormons are not a group of religious fanatics but just a branch of Christianity like many others. However, recently I have taken to attending not only my own religious services every Sunday; but also the Christian services of my girlfriend at her church. Quite apart from the fantastic idea this church had of serving Starbucks coffee to its attendees, is the fact that they do all sorts of entertaining things like raffles where you have the opportunity to win a Honda Boy-Racer car....sorry I meant a Civic.......or a Bearded Hoodlum's motor bicycle......oh wait.....thats a Harley.....my bad. They have events like Jazz barbecues, like the one coming up in September of this year...and opportunities for the various Sunday church-goer to get involved in their church and pronounce their sainthood to the world.
Reading this blog.....one may become confused as to whether I am a religious person.....or a snide flippant cynic. Let me clarify.....I am both.....so do not be confused when you hear differing comments on the subject of religion. I have quite a few problems with religion.....however.....I have a deep testimony of my religion that is only slightly mitigated by my quarrels with it. First, and perhaps most blatantly, is many churches stances on gay marriage. I am aware that the constitutionality of Proposition 8 was recently overturned and that the appeals court will make a decision in December......and that gays will be allowed to either marry or remain as they are now....prejudiced against.....quite a pointless claim as this case will most obviously make its way up to the gladiator-pit of moral flippancy.....the Supreme Court. That is the biggest problem I have with organized religion is their denunciation of homosexual marriage.....the rest are just small quarries that are irrelevant.
Following tomorrow will be an article discussing the problems being caused by Obama's mosque in New York and the various other sources of friction caused by the freedom of religion.
Reading this blog.....one may become confused as to whether I am a religious person.....or a snide flippant cynic. Let me clarify.....I am both.....so do not be confused when you hear differing comments on the subject of religion. I have quite a few problems with religion.....however.....I have a deep testimony of my religion that is only slightly mitigated by my quarrels with it. First, and perhaps most blatantly, is many churches stances on gay marriage. I am aware that the constitutionality of Proposition 8 was recently overturned and that the appeals court will make a decision in December......and that gays will be allowed to either marry or remain as they are now....prejudiced against.....quite a pointless claim as this case will most obviously make its way up to the gladiator-pit of moral flippancy.....the Supreme Court. That is the biggest problem I have with organized religion is their denunciation of homosexual marriage.....the rest are just small quarries that are irrelevant.
Following tomorrow will be an article discussing the problems being caused by Obama's mosque in New York and the various other sources of friction caused by the freedom of religion.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
First of Many
As I am sure is the case with many of you who have started a blog on this website or maybe another one, we are not quite sure what we are doing or why we are doing it. I can tell you the honest truth as to why I am still up writing at 11 pm is because earlier this evening I was watching Julie and Julia with my girlfriend (gentleman, you have to watch what the lady wants...its a fact of life that you must get used to!) and the main character seemed to enjoy her creative outlet so hopefully this will serve as mine. Now, first of all I would like to address the movie I just mentioned. Some of the few people who will hopefully read this blog (somebody...anyone??) have watched movies that inspire you to do something impressive that you saw in the movie. Now, I have a confession....I am a rubbish cook. I live in a family of 6 children and my wonderful mum has always done that sort of thing for us being the lovely person that she is. But watching that movie....I just had the desire to go cook untill my fingers bled!...a serious possibility considering my abilities with kitchen knives. I couldnt, nor did I of course, much the same as someone watching Pretty Woman couldnt go out and find a drop dead gorgeous actress walking the streets, but nonetheless, the desire was there......no not for Julia (hey!! another one!) you sicko! I meant the cooking of course!
For the past couple of weeks I have been working for a company called Cutco. Perhaps you've heard of them...perhaps not. Perhaps I have called you and begged you to let me into your house so I can spew forth a 45 minute presentation and give you puppy eyes in the hope that you will buy some very expensive kitchen knives. Perhaps you let me in so I could give you the presentation and you did NOT buy anything and all I got was my $16 base pay and I left your house dispirited and went to go mope away at Coldstones. But I digress....my mum, bought a block of these knives from me in the first week of work as any mother would do and although expensive....she has loved them. Although they are very expensive they are worth the price if you value that sort of thing. Now hold in with me there, I am getting back to the movie....I promise. When I finished the movie with this burning desire to cook....I thought....If I do go into the kitchen and cook...I will have to use those obscenely sharp knives....and I WILL cut myself....so for now....the cooking dream will have to rest. That and the fact that my cooking knowledge extends as far as my interest in cell evolution does prevented me from becoming the next Julia Child/Powell. However...I would like to cook, or learn to cook SOMETHING at least so please, if ANYBODY at all is reading this blog, do me the favor of at least leaving a recipe or an idea in the comments so I can try it out? Failing that...leave your experience at cooking something (good or bad) and we will all (plural see?? As you can see from my blog title...I have hope that more than just me are reading this ;P) how it turned out and have a laugh with you.
For the past couple of weeks I have been working for a company called Cutco. Perhaps you've heard of them...perhaps not. Perhaps I have called you and begged you to let me into your house so I can spew forth a 45 minute presentation and give you puppy eyes in the hope that you will buy some very expensive kitchen knives. Perhaps you let me in so I could give you the presentation and you did NOT buy anything and all I got was my $16 base pay and I left your house dispirited and went to go mope away at Coldstones. But I digress....my mum, bought a block of these knives from me in the first week of work as any mother would do and although expensive....she has loved them. Although they are very expensive they are worth the price if you value that sort of thing. Now hold in with me there, I am getting back to the movie....I promise. When I finished the movie with this burning desire to cook....I thought....If I do go into the kitchen and cook...I will have to use those obscenely sharp knives....and I WILL cut myself....so for now....the cooking dream will have to rest. That and the fact that my cooking knowledge extends as far as my interest in cell evolution does prevented me from becoming the next Julia Child/Powell. However...I would like to cook, or learn to cook SOMETHING at least so please, if ANYBODY at all is reading this blog, do me the favor of at least leaving a recipe or an idea in the comments so I can try it out? Failing that...leave your experience at cooking something (good or bad) and we will all (plural see?? As you can see from my blog title...I have hope that more than just me are reading this ;P) how it turned out and have a laugh with you.
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